Oferta de Contrato FPI de Investigación


2 noviembre 2021

Oferta de Beca FPI del Ministerio para contratar a un doctorando asociada a proyecto de I+D Retos del Ministerio de la convocatoria de 2020,. Si estais interesados, el ministerio acaba de abrir la convocatoria para que las personas candidatas presenten sus solicitudes.

Estas ayudas ofrecen un contrato laboral durante 4 años para la realización de la tesis doctoral en el marco del proyecto y por tanto ofrecen la estabilidad necesaria para la investigación y la tesis. El proyecto al que va ligada esta ayuda FPI tiene por título «Elastic Resource Management for Reliable and Efficient Smart Networks and Services for Supporting Critical Verticals» (PID2020-115576RB-I00) .

En este proyecto pretendemos contribuir al diseño de las futuras redes B5G o 6G mediante soluciones que permitan una gestión elástica y proactiva de los recursos de la red de acceso radio móvil, utilizando inteligencia artificial y aprovechando capacidades de computación y conectividad desde la nube hasta el edge y los dispositivos móviles (creando una estructura multi-nivel de inteligencia colectiva). Las propuestas estarán enfocadas a requisitos y servicios de conducción autónoma y conectada e Industria 4.0, dos sectores industriales críticos con crecientes niveles de automatización y adopción de la inteligencia artificial que además se caracterizan por dispositivos con alta capacidad de cómputo, sensórica y conectividad. Incluyo el resumen del proyecto al final de este correo.

Las condiciones de la plaza las marca el ministerio. Según las bases de la convocatoria, la ayuda no solo cubre el contrato laboral, sino además una cantidad adicional para financiar estancias y gastos de matrícula derivados de las enseñanzas de doctorado. Los detalles de la convocatoria (incluidas las condiciones que deben cumplir los candidatos) están en:

https://www.ciencia.gob.es/ site-web/Convocatorias/2021/ Ayudas-para-contratos- predoctorales-para-la- formacion-de-doctores-2021. html

http://www.aei.gob.es/portal/ site/MICINN/menuitem. dbc68b34d11ccbd5d52ffeb801432e a0/?vgnextoid= 4c6c68d98570c710VgnVCM1000001d 04140aRCRD&vgnextchannel= 305938bc8423c710VgnVCM1000001d 04140aRCRD

Se ofrece ya mismo un contrato de investigación con fondos propios al candidato para poder empezar y financiarle sin esperar a la resolución del ministerio. Si la persona interesada está aún estudiando, también puede presentar su solicitud siempre que esté en disposición de estar matriculada o admitida en un programa de doctorado en la fecha en la que se formalice el contrato.

TITLE OF THE PROJECT: Elastic Resource Management for Reliable and Efficient Smart Networks and Services for Supporting Critical Verticals


KEYWORDS: Beyond 5G networks, Radio Access Network, smart networks and services, critical verticals, connected autonomous vehicles, Industry 4.0, collective intelligence, distributed resource management, proactive and elastic management, service and network coexistence

SUMMARY: As 5G is being deployed, the community has begun working on the evolution of beyond 5G networks. Future networks must provide the foundation for the digital transformation of our economy and society to improve productivity and quality of life, and progress towards more sustainable ecosystems. 5G has laid the foundation for the digital transformation of the industry thanks to its eMBB, URLLC and mMTC capabilities that can help support critical applications with stringent requirements in verticals such as connected and autonomous mobility and Industry 4.0. However, the need for deterministic service provisioning, and the growing dynamicity and complexity of networks, challenge 5G networks to sustain the most demanding services in automotive and smart manufacturing as the levels of automation increase. The simultaneous demand for high data rates and reliability and extremely low latency (uHSLLC, ultraHigh-Speed-with-Low- Latency Communication) requires new solutions at the Radio Access Network (RAN) to elastically manage resources using (and even extending it) further the edge of the networks. The digital transformation of industries requires smart and programmable networks capable to quickly adapt to new demands, and guarantee a reliable, efficient and scalable pervasive connectivity. 5G paved the way for the design of such networks by transforming traditionally hardware-centric networks into software-centric ones. This evolution will unlock new capabilities but this will come at the expense of unprecedented levels of complexity in operating and managing networks that can hinder their efficiency (including energy efficiency). This calls for the design of smart networks that rely on a knowledge-plane that integrates reasoning processes oriented to autonomic decision-making fuelled by the convergence of networking, computing and data. These trends have resulted in the definition of the Smart Networks and Services (SNS) vision by NetWorld2020 that will drive European research in the years to come. SeNSes will contribute to the design of future SNS by developing novel elastic resource management schemes that proactively manage RAN resources to guarantee a reliable and efficient operation of networks using a multi-level collective intelligence framework in the continuum from cloudified infrastructures to mobile edge and beyond-the-edge devices. The proposals will focus on networks and services coexistence and interworking, distributed and beyond the edge resource management, and elastic RAN slicing with proactive network management. The proposals will be tailored to the requirements of connected automated mobility and Industry 4.0. Both verticals are fueled by advances in robotics and AI, and are characterized by increasing levels of connectivity and autonomy of devices that embed increasingly powerful cognitive and sensing capabilities over progressively sofwarized and virtualized powerful distributed computing platforms. These two verticals will be adopters of 5G and demand uHSLLC services as automation augments. Connected Automated Vehicles (CAVs) initially require SNS to support highly mobile scenarios while Industry 4.0 requires deterministic service guarantees. However, these differences will gradually vanish as digitalized and reconfigurable factories require increasing support for autonomous mobility of robots, and CAVs perception, planning and control capabilities require higher levels of determinis