European Acreditation

The EUR-ACE® seal is a certificate issued by an agency authorized by ENAEE to a university for a degree or master’s degree, evaluated according to a set of defined standards, in accordance with the principles of quality, relevance, transparency, recognition Mobility in the European Higher Education Area.

The EUR-ACE® label is managed by the European Network for the Accreditation of Engineering Education (ENAEE) in a decentralized manner through national agencies and is internationally recognized, as it facilitates both academic and professional mobility by allowing the identification of engineering programs Of high quality in Europe and beyond its borders.

ACREDITA PLUS in the field of engineering begins in autumn 2013 to give official degrees and master’s degrees in engineering the possibility of requesting the evaluation to obtain the EUR-ACE® seal, at the same time as the evaluation is carried out for The renewal of the accreditation of such titles.

Therefore, the Engineering Institute of Spain (IIE), as one of the most representative institutions in the country of the engineering profession – and ANECA – as the main player in the process of renewing the accreditation of degrees in Spain – has identified the Current moment as the optimum to carry out a joint collaboration that promotes the quality and the international recognition of the Spanish degrees and masters in the field of engineering.