
—The Polytechnic School of Elche (EPSE), within University Miguel Hernández, is the centre for engineering undergraduate and master studies. Annually over 450 new students apply for studies in Telecommunications and Industrial Engineering, in an school with approximately 2.300 students.
—Over 120 academics combine their teaching activity with research in different fields around Industrial and Telecommunications Engineering. Material resources, laboratories and research teams, offer students the opportunity to develop their studies in a cutting edge technological environment.
—The EPSE commitment in education, extents further to standardized academic activities, providing students with more than 5.000 agreements with companies and enterprises, allowing them to reinforce and widen the learning procedure during professional experiences outside of the university walls. Additionally, EPSE pays special attention to internationalization as a fundamental part of student’s learning process, encouraging mobility programs through institutional relationships and agreements.
—Finally, the EPSE actively encourages other activities that complement the student’s academic training, through visits to external institutions, and companies, as well organizing lectures and conferences related to existing degrees, as a way to provide a full skilled professional profile.