Undergraduate Studies Final Thesis

The proposal and request for the defense of the TFG in the EPSE degrees may be made at any time through the academic year. Students may process the application for the issuance of the degree when the evaluation of the TFG is expressed in the evaluation record of the corresponding call.

The processing and management of the TFGs will be carried out through the web application “Management of the Final Degree Project” from your personalized access. Nowadays you can carry out all the procedures using this application. Here follows a PDF document with the the full TFG process and two help videos for Step 1: TFG topic proposal request and Step 2: TFG defense request

To complete the TFG, it is recommended to review the style standards. The document with the style rules can be downloaded in Annex VI or you can use the Overleaf template to complete the TFG with Latex.

Note: Be aware that currently student should only upload 2 documents : (i) the TFG report and (ii) the autorization for library storage and share with the UMH community.