The European Agency for Accreditation of Engineering Education (ENAEE), through the National Agency for the Evaluation of Quality and Accreditation (ANECA), has awarded the EUR-ACE seal of international excellence to the qualifications of the Elche Polytechnic School (EPSE) of the Universidad Miguel Hernández (UMH). This seal certifies that the studies meet the professional requirements of...
If a student of the last year of his / her career and / or the Master is interested in completing the course, Master and / or Internship, applying his / her knowledge to a Company in the area of the Footwear Sector, which can be of different scopes such as Organization / Production /...
Nota Importante: Se recuerda que en Septiembre de 2017 se produce la extinción de los títulos de ingenieria de telecomunicacion e ingenieria industrial. Esto significa que se debe defender el Proyecto Fin de Carrera antes del 30 de septiembre de 2017. De no haber defendido el Proyecto Fin de Carrera en ese plazo, el estudiante...
We inform you of the Procedure for Selection of Young People, Program of Incentives to Hire Young People by Local Entities, within the framework of the Youth Guarantee System published in the EMCUJU and EMPUJU Conventions 2017, Order 7/2017 of April 10, Of the Consellería of Sustainable Economy, Productive Sectors, Commerce and work. The characteristics...
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The student of the Master in Telecommunication Engineering, Miguel Hernández de Elche University, Juan Clement Bellido has won the COIT-AEIT Award for 'Best Master's Degree in Fundamentals and Basic Technologies of Information and Communications, and his Applications' in the XXXVII edition of the Awards for the Best End-of-Course Projects, Master's Thesis, PhD Theses and Best...