Hackathon pace Apps Challenge for the first time in Alicante, organized by everis Alicante.


3 October 2018

Do you consider yourself a curious or creative person? Are you passionate about the exploration of space, the environment or the needs of society?
Did you ever think about being an astronaut or working at NASA?

If your answer is affirmative to any of the previous questions, we want to propose something to you: we would like you and your team to present NASA with an idea that will solve the multiple challenges they face on a daily basis. And not only are apps searched! You can use hardware, software, design, robotics, data visualization and any other specialty to create your project. It sounds good, right?

The Space Apps Challenge (NASA’s innovation incubator program) lands for the first time in Alicante, organized by everis Alicante.

During a weekend, we will launch a hackathon developed simultaneously around the world, where you will create a project to solve some of the challenges that the agency proposes. In addition, NASA puts at your disposal your database collected in real scenarios.
Do you want to participate?

Register here: https://2018.spaceappschallenge.org/locations/alicante and you will receive a confirmation email from the organization requesting some more data for organizational reasons

Registration deadline: Friday, October 12

The places are limited!

Date of the event: October 20 and 21

Location: everis Alicante (San Juan)

Britania Street 36-38, First Floor.
Data of interest

This is the first round. The two winning projects / ideas chosen by the jury will go to the final phase, in which a jury of NASA experts will evaluate and select the best proposals from among the finalists.

DO NOT MISS IT! Sign up with your team and … be the next to collaborate with NASA to save the world!

Follow us on our Twitter account @SpaceAppsALC to be informed of all the news.

If you have any doubt write an email to