Artificial intelligence and society – Conversation
14 May 2018
The first discussion on artificial intelligence and society is held where the social, legal and ethical implications of the use of artificial intelligence in the private sector, public administration and society in general will be addressed.
The conclusions reached by the experts will be reflected in the White Paper on Artificial Intelligence that will include a diagnosis on the increasing use of data in Public Administrations and companies.
The recommendations will serve for the Executive to promote the development of an ethical code on the use of data in the Public Administration, as well as a code of good practices for companies in the use of artificial intelligence and data.
08.30 – 09.00 Accreditations
09.00 – 09.15 Institutional opening
09.15 – 09.30 Inaugural session: artificial intelligence and citizenship
Nuria Oliver: Director of Research in Data Sciences at Vodafone and Chief Data Scientist at DataPop Alliance. Member of the Association for Computer Machinery, of the European Association of Artificial Intelligence and the IEEE
09.30-10.15 Panel: Why does artificial intelligence deserve our attention?
The objective of this plenary session is to define the most disruptive aspects of artificial intelligence in its current stage of development, as well as its challenges and opportunities with respect to citizenship: deep learning, ubiquity, technological coexistence.
Ramón LópezMantarás: Director of the Artificial Intelligence Research Institute (CSIC)
Kate Crawford: Microsoft Research, Co-founder of AI Now Research Institute
Lorena JaumePalasí: Co-founder of Algorithm Watch
10.15-10-40 Presentation: bias of the algorithms and vulnerability of the data
Krishna Gummadi: Networked Systems Research Group, Max Planck Institute for Software Systems
10.40 – 11.30 Panel: the role of society before AI and Big Data
How should our societies respond to the rise of new technologies? Formulas for social empowerment and technological democratization in today’s citizens. Data for the common good: approximation to social data.
Ramon Sangüesa: Director of the Data Transparency Lab (MIT, Open Data Institute, Mozilla Foundation, Telefónica I + D).
Miguel LuengoOroz: A Global Pulse Chief Data Scientist.
Nozha Boujemaa: Research Director of Inria, Director of Dataia.
11.30 – 12.00 COFFEE PAUSE
12.00 – 13.00 Debate: the role of states in the face of the rise of AI
What strategies should States develop to maximize the benefits of new technologies? How to fight the future gaps resulting from technologies?
Antonio Samaritani, director of Agency for Digital Italy.
José María Lassalle. Secretary of State for the Information Society and the Digital Agenda of the Government of Spain.
Yolanda Martínez, coordinator of the Digital Strategy of Mexico.
13.00 – 13.45 Panel: the responsibility of the companies in the hyperconnected society
What are the ethical and social components that large companies must assume to achieve a balanced and sustainable development of artificial intelligence? New dimensions in the relationship between individuals and artificial systems.
Elena Gil (CEO LUCA, Telefónica).
Cristina San José (AI and Data Chief of Banco Santander).
Elena Alfaro, Data & Analytics Director (BBVA).
Hugo Zaragoza (Machine Learning Research and Development Center at Barcelona, director).
13.45 Institutional closure: the role of the European Union
Lucilla Sioli, Digital Industry Director, European Commission.
14.00 Cocktail