
29 August 2018

Planning, organization and realization of workshops and diffusion talks in educational centers or on campus of the UMH, on the degree in which you are enrolled and related.
Period: 15oct’18 to 31mayo’19. Irregular schedule between 8-17 hours. Valuable driving license / own car and Valencian. Excluded students Physiotherapy, Occupational T. and BBAA.

To register, students must:
1º-Access the website https://observatorio.umh.es and select the option “Internship offer (UMH students)” located on the left side of the page.
2º-Validate with username and password of the identified access. A window opens showing all available internship offers.
3º-Select from the list the offer P-5514/18 to visualize it and click on the “send curriculum” button.