

Os hacemos llegar información sobre unos premios convocados por la CRUE que tienen como objetivo reconocer Trabajos de Fin de Grado y Fin de Máster defendidos durante el curso 2018-19 y cuya temática esté relacionada con los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible. Aunque no hay premio material, sí se reconoce a los ganadores publicando los trabajos, bajo...

15 October 2019


From the Official College and the Spanish Association of Telecommunications Engineers, the “WE ARE TELECOMMUNICATION ENGINEERS” campaign has been launched. We present the new corporate video that shows the transversality of this profession and the relevance it has in the development of society.

4 October 2019


“V2X Communications for Connected Autonomous Vehicle” The deadline for sending applications ends on September 14, 2019 -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- Interviews will be conducted as applications are received, so it is advisable to send the request as soon as possible and not wait until September 14. -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- The present offer is for the hiring of 1...

5 September 2019


Entrevista a Pedro García antic alumne de la EPSE en Enginyeria Industrial i actualment treballa a la F1 i forma part de l'equip de McLaren Interview

19 July 2019


Conference on electric mobility and its safety in urban environments Dear and dear students, Through this announcement, we encourage you to participate in the conferences organized by the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Energy of the UMH related to the reality of the electric vehicle and its imminent development. These days are divided into two...

21 June 2019


Sorry, this entry is only available in European Spanish and Catalan.

5 June 2019


Sorry, this entry is only available in European Spanish.

19 July 2019

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