Huawei Spain launches its strategy for attracting and developing young talent ‘Choices and Steps’ with 40 places for new graduates in Telecommunications, Information Technology and Marketing


2 November 2016

Huawei Spain has opened the deadline for submitting applications to participate in the ‘Choices and Steps’ project and choose any of the first 10 places offered to recent graduates in Telecommunications, Information Technology and Marketing, they will be expanded to 40 along the course school.

Practices, which begin from November, have a duration of one year and are paid 1,200 euros per month. Also they include a formation of Optimus Executive ‘Professional Training for University’ program with its own graduate degree from the University Francisco de Vitoria.

The practices will develop full-time and the selected candidates will receive a study aid of 1,000 € / month + 200 € / month in meal tickets, with the possibility of subsequently joining the company.

Those interested in opting for one of the places offered Talentoteca must register before Nov. 15.

For interviews and / or more information:

Luisa Sousa | | 91 548 9976
David Sobral | | 91 548 9976

MÁS INFORMACIÓN: nota-de-prensa-huawei-espana-lanza-su-estrategia-de-atraccion-y-desarrollo-de-talento-joven-choices-and-steps-con-40-plazas